Customer Success - the ripple effect


It’s a regular Tuesday afternoon, you are making a coffee and your phone pings....’Mimi’s training gets to the heart of these sacred practices of mindfulness, skillfully teaching us strategies that allow us to weave mindfulness more confidently into our yoga practices.’

Hurrah! How wonderful. You can’t stop smiling. It has truly made your day.

And so it should. It’s words like these that inspire you to keep doing what you do.

Then you put that email away in a folder and keep it to yourself for a rainy grey day.

No, no, no, no….stop. Never!...these wonderful words need to be shared.


You need to let someone else sing your praises.

It’s not gloating. It’s purely you letting your audience know that if one customer is getting value from your service, maybe another one will too?

Recommendations always make sense coming from customers rather than you. If you have enough content to go by, why not create a case-study and frame it in three stages? The challenge, solution and results. The challenge is what your target audience can relate to, the solution is how you fit into that and the results show the clear benefits from using your product/service. 

Some slightly larger customers have created dedicated customer pages. Bizzabo is an events planning company that has taken an informal approach to reviews with a page titled ‘You are the centre of my universe’ and filled it with tweets / posts from customers.

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Another example is Hootsuite, the social scheduling platform, which has created a resource library with detailed more statistic-led case-studies.

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Sharing customer success stories will help give your audience the confidence to buy from you. If customers have benefited...maybe they’ll inspire new ones too?

Your Customer Wins’ is part of Content Kitchen’s strategy that focuses on six essential ingredients every business needs to communicate - learn more.


Your expertise is more than your knowledge


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