A Worldwide Thing

Website Design and Social Media strategy for Music Platform A Worldwide Thing.

A Worldwide Thing is a platform for Global Underground Music. It aims to share beautifully curated musical journeys via Radio, Cultural Projects, Articles and DJ sets. 

Content Kitchen built a minimal yet elegant web and mobile platform in line with the desired look and feel for the brand. There is a strong emphasis on striking photography to facilitate the feeling of musical travels. 

To drive users to the site, we were asked to create a Social Media strategy. Inspired by the platform Humans of New York, we focused on telling real, honest stories behind the artists to showcase the depth of their work and everyday inspirations. User-generated content played an important role in the strategy to maintain authenticity between the platform, artists and users. 

Services - Website Design and Development, Social Media Strategy

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“Amrisha built and designed a sleek, minimal site with striking photography to embody the essence of A Worldwide Thing. The site is a welcome addition in raising further awareness of Netil Radio and I would highly recommend her work.“

- Miroslav Kubík, Head of Programming and Creative Director, Netil Radio


Web Design | AccuDa


Web + Social | WowBoxMe