Eight tips to improve your user experience

A user lands on a site trying to find essential information, struggling, the beads of sweat start building and boom...they are gone 💥 It’s 2021 - there are no second chances on the internet. When designing it’s essential to think about your user needs first and then build a modern, responsive website that removes the fluff and focuses on what matters.

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Here are a few key UX tips to adopt for your website:

▪️ Essential CTA

What is that number one CTA you are optimising for? Make sure it’s clear, visible yet not bombarding users

▪️ Lots of points? Bullet them

Too much text will put users off - the best way to share key information is to organise and bullet point them so it’s easy to digest

▪️ Embrace white space

Nothing worse than a cluttered site, as if it’s unclear what’s going on you’ll lose customers. Embrace white space between media/text/buttons allowing users to absorb what you are sharing

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▪️ Optimise your page speed

Fancy graphics but long loading time? Say goodbye...in an age of speed there is nothing more frustrating than a page that takes forever to load. 

▪️ Implement responsive web design

Make sure your site works seamlessly whatever the platform or device

▪️ Limit data entry

Asking users to fill in lots of data is annoying - keep it essential to what is truly required and at the right moment in time

▪️ Consistency is king

Design matters and a seamless experience that includes fonts, space, imagery style to name a few should be reflected across every page across your site 

▪️ Test, test, test

This is the only way you’ll know how effective your site is performing and allow you to optimize accordingly

0.05 seconds...that’s all it takes for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they’ll stay or leave 🔎(Taylor & Francis Group.) Making sure first impressions count couldn’t be more important. So the best way to get rid of snap judgments on your homepage is to improve its design - make sure it doesn’t fall into that fatal 0.05 seconds in the future.

Simply put - emphasise your user experience or you’ll lose leads 👋

If you found these tips useful, we can help improve your web user experience - contact us.


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