Why redefining brand values is key during Covid

Adaptability...one of the most important words of 2020?

Individuals, businesses (small to large), governments all need to embody this in order to survive this pandemic.

This trait is critical to stay on top of this evolving world (day by day) so we can assess new situations, make decisions and implement accordingly. This involves learning new skills, developing new habits and letting go of old ways of working.

There are a few ways we can all cultivate adaptability pointed out by Techcrunch:

✴️ Let go of attachments - attachments don't work because certainty doesn't work - nothing is fixed in this world and we can't predict the future.

✴️ Be present - react in real-time. This doesn't mean not planning but focusing on the plan and situation...right now.

✴️ Build mental toughness - dealing with this virus is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to accept the new reality, learn from it and keep going.

Secondly, brand transparency is key - reflecting the real-world experiences that surround us.

It's even more important, to be honest, transparent and act out your brand values.

👉🏽 Recycling that marketing campaign year after year ISN'T effective

👉🏽 Being attuned with what is happening globally is a necessity

👉🏽 Ask if your brand values align with the current world we live in?

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Truly take stock.

*️⃣ Listen and absorb the feedback around you

*️⃣ Evaluate your messaging - visual, written and act on what you say

*️⃣ Use data to make effective change

And thirdly, nurturing our communities - we’ve all had to move our modus operandi online individually and as a collective working together. 

For brands questions arise such as how to advertise? What to advertise? Whether to advertise at all? 🤔

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Amid such chaos, it all comes back to the basics - nurturing real human connections by being a voice of reason, providing support, and maintaining a consistent approach. We need to believe we will come out of this crisis and focus on the longer term.

60% of brands that ‘go dark’ during a recession decline on at least one key brand metric (via Kantar.)

Hiding is not the way forward - we should be seen...but be seen to be supportive, modest, self-aware in a way that is true to your brand.

We all have a common enemy in Covid-19 and all want the same goal of eliminating this - as a result, everyone is coming together and the community response is a different level to anything we have seen before. Brands should enter this in the same spirit by helping the population and being good to your own people - this is how you will ride out the crisis.

Keen to review your current brand values? We're here to help.


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