Six essential web design tips

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First impressions count - that’s why it’s critical to get it right with your online business presence. 

You could have the BEST content but if you don’t follow essential web design rules you may lose the perfect customer.

Here are a list of six key website tips that factor in composition, aesthetics and functionality that are worth considering before building a website.

Clear out the clutter - White space is essential to good design as it makes your content more legible and allows users to focus on the elements surrounding the text.

Guide your user with the right visual hierarchy - This refers to the different visual elements like size or placement to influence what elements your user sees first, second or last. It’s not just about what you add but how you add it.

Review this chart from Orbit Media Studios on the best way to attract attention.

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Make the site easy to navigate - This is the backbone of any site - it should feel intuitive to users so they can easily find what they need. Build the navigation around how users think.

Use easily readable content - Design for scannability and in a way where items don’t compete. Font style, size, colours, number of fonts all matter - if out of place it will be distracting for users and cause irritability. 

Choose colours and photos strategically - Every colour has a different emotional connotation - A yoga brand perhaps a calming blue? A new ladies fashion brand, maybe a bold red? Choose in a way that best represents your brand. Effective, high quality, meaningful photography can also further your business goals. Avoid low-quality and obvious stock footage - this will hold you back

Stay mobile friendly - No matter the device visitors should be able to enjoy your site at its best. Google’s algorithm factors in mobile responsiveness to their search rankings - test out every page, interaction, button to ensure the site isn’t cut off or images in the wrong place as this will affect your Google ranking. 

If you found these tips useful, we can build your site or improve your existing site - review our Web Design offering here.


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