Start with why


Remember that moment? That tinkle of inspiration?

Maybe it was walking down the local high street on a grey Tuesday, volunteering in Cambodia or casually browsing the internet - all founders have that unique moment when a business idea starts to truly make sense! It starts to come alive…starts to feel so real and beautiful. 

It is your why moment.

The moment you truly understand the purpose of your idea and how it could fit into the world. 


This is the starting point before any innovation, MVP, product/service, features etc. come into existence. This is the epicentre. This is where it all began. And this is the most important thing a business needs to communicate to its customers.

You can’t run before you walk, or better…you can’t bake until you crack an egg. The same is true of what you communicate.

You can’t talk about features if your audience doesn't know what you stand for, what you believe in, what your place in the world is. 

Companies with a strong sense of purpose are able to inspire, innovate and transform better than those that lack purpose. Your audience needs to and wants to hear this - they want to know what started your innovation no matter how big or small your company size. Every business has a why that drives them to do what they do. 

In sharing your why, you will naturally draw audiences in and develop more authentic connections so they will ultimately gravitate towards you.

Take the Japanese lifestyle brand, Muji - they believe in promoting simplicity, moderation and humility.  They uphold their brand purpose by designing products that support the serenity and natural state of the environment, which is directly experienced by consumers from the moment they enter a Muji store until they interact with their products at home.

S'well is another example; they believe in a more sustainable world, a world where single-use plastic is significantly reduced. They took their belief and designed a crave-worthy product that combined fashion with function. And they are now the fastest-growing woman-owned company worldwide.

As Simon Sinek said in his TED talk Start with Why ‘People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. ‘

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‘Your Why’ is part of Content Kitchen’s strategy that focuses on six essential ingredients every business needs to communicate - learn more.


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